Port Tromso - Northern Norway

Students from the US, Canada and Russia have for five years been able to apply for scholarships for studies at seven universities and colleges in Northern Norway. In the program period for 2013-2016 also students from Japan and South Korea will have this opportunity.

The goal of the Fellowship Programme for Studies in the High North is to contribute to increased academic collaboration and student mobility in the High North.

The programme is open to the higher education institutions in northern Norway only: Finnmark University College, Harstad University College, Narvik University College, Nesna University College, Sami University College, University of Nordland, University of Tromsø and The University Centre at Svalbard (UNIS).

These institutions will invite students at partner institutions in Canada, Japan, Russia, South Korea and the US to apply for High North Fellowships.

The programme is mainly targeted at students at Master's and Bachelor's level but is also open to PhD students. Bachelor's and Master's students must take for-credit courses in Norway, while PhD students can come as research fellows.

To learn more about the Program, please click here.


Study in Norway

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