Oil tanker gets a refill

Oil giant Shell has put its controversial plans to drill for oil in Alaska on ice, at least for this year. The company had multiple problems with the two drilling platforms to be used for exploration.

Concerns over safety in the platforms have been raised and the plans critized. Shell pushed hard for permission to explore and in the end got its permission.

Shell has now sent the two platforms to Asia to be repaired and improved and plans to drill in the Chukchi Sea and Beuforthaven in 2014.

"We have made progress in Alaska, but this is a long term program that we intend to implement in a safe and thoughtful way," said Shell president Marvin Odum.

Shell drilled two test holes last year, according to the company went according to plan.

"The drilling was perfectly safe, with no serious injuries or impact on the environment," said in a statement.



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