Permafrost research site in Ny Alesund, Svalbard

The INTERACT project is commencing its autumn period and is now calling for proposals for the next one.

A call for summer 2013 and winter 2013/2014 will be open until 31st of October.

The INTERACT project under EU FP7 has a Transnational Access program that offers access to 20 research stations in northernmost Europe and Russian Federation.
The sites represent a variety of glacier, mountain, tundra, boreal forest, peatland and freshwater ecosystems, providing opportunities for researchers from natural sciences to human dimension.

Transnational Access includes:

  • Free access for user groups/users to research facilities and field sites, including support for travel and logistics
  • Free access to information and data in the public domain held at the infrastructures

The call for proposals for summer 2013 and winter 2013/2014 field seasons is open on the INTERACT website until 31st October, 2012.

For additional information, visit the INTERACT website or contact WP4 coordinator Hannele Savela, hannele.savela(at), or WP4 leader Kirsi Latola, kirsi.latola(at)

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