*** NEW DATE - the webinar will now be held on Wednesday 16th June, 13:00-14:00 UTC ***

The 3rd Arctic Science Ministerial (ASM3) webinar series is designed to increase transparency of the Arctic Science Ministerial science process and to provide additional opportunities for scientists, Indigenous Peoples and Arctic research stakeholders to further engage with the science and proposed actions leading up to the Third Arctic Science Ministerial in Tokyo, Japan in May 2021. The webinar series is a joint cooperation between the ASM3 Organizers in Iceland and Japan and the European Polar Board.

The final webinar in the series will be held on Wednesday 16th June, 13: 00-14: 00 UTC. This webinar will look back at the ASM3 science process in connection to the final outcomes. We will have a review of the Ministerial highlights from Tokyo. This webinar is an opportunity for all those interested and engaged with the ASM to get a full picture of the outcomes, actions, and tools provided as we look a head to ASM4.

More information.

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