The shipping sector has long been in the spotlight for its detrimental impact on the environment – ships’ engines emit sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and greenhouse gases (GHG). Discharge of untreated ballast water, which used to be common practice, is another environmental problem of this industry. Furthermore, at the end of their life cycle, ships are often dismantled in unsafe and dangerous yards, which comes at great human and environmental cost.

Wisdom’s 7th Green Shipping Summit on 8 and 9 September 2021 will offer a comprehensive program focusing on the expansion and development of shipping related processes. Utilizing the knowledge of expert speakers, industry leaders will be able to obtain the tools and practices they need to cultivate the most innovative and environmentally-friendly Maritime business.

Speakers and fellow attendees will engage and learn together, offering powerful insights on current industry trends, forming partnerships, identifying business growth opportunities, and cementing companies’ role as a force for good when they look for ways to protect the environment. It is a perfect chance to meet marine professionals and industry.

Agenda highlights:

  • What keeps maritime leaders up at night: addressing the key sustainability challenges the shipping industry is facing in 2021 and beyond
  • Sailing towards zero emission shipping
  • Shaping a sustainable energy future: a greener, more resilient and inclusive energy system
  • From necessity to norm: the next big revolution
  • The future port landscape: demographic, technological, and sustainability drivers
  • Get returns right: leveraging smart shipping solutions

Please use the following link to access the latest event brochure: Click Here

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