Downtown Akureyri

The conference Climate Change in Northern Territories is calling for abstracts. The conference is held in Akureyri, Iceland, in august. The ESPON/ENECON and NRF Open Assembly organize the conference, hosted by the University of Akureyri.

This is the 2nd call for abstracts for general participation and young researchers. The deadline for submission is the 28th of February, but for young researchers the deadline is 15th of March. The abstracts are to be submitted to .

Further information for young researchers.

The idea is that this conference will bring together researchers which have similar background but have been focusing on different problems and situations and applied different methodological approaches. Regional and local stakeholders as well as state politicians and policymakers are also target groups for the conference.

Subthemes are:

  • Territorial socio – economic impacts of climate change
  • Methodologies for assessing socio-economic impact
  • Adaptation to climate change in regions and local communities – examining methods and sharing knowledge

You will find more information concerning the central theme here.



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