Monday, 3rd of December 2012 the workshop on Arctic Transportation Infrastructure Response and Capacity and Sustainable Development in the Arctic starts today in Hotel Natura in the capital city of Iceland – Reykjavik.

The registration opens at 14.00 after which the small group brainstorming and crowd sourcing of definitions and terminology will take place.

Arctic experts will meet in both plenary and work sessions to discuss infrastructure vis-à-vis response, technology and investment. Case studies and illustrative stories of northern aviation and marine infrastructure - contributed by participants – will serve to highlight the challenges of infrastructure development in the Arctic and its role in facilitating sustainable development.

Participants will also have a chance to view and evaluate the Arctic Port and Airport Database and web-based map, which is the primary deliverable of this project. Subject matter expert input will help refine and strengthen this tool.

The workshop will end with an interactive plenary session, discussing next steps and outlining areas of consideration for a Guidance Document, a deliverable for this Arctic Council project.

Please, follow the links to read about the Arctic shipping and aviation challenges on the Arctic Portal Shipping Portlet.


Institute of the North

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