Amundsen on the Pole

Today marks the 100 year anniversary of Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen being the first person to reach the South Pole. Celebrations in Antarctica will last over a month.

Norways foreign minister Jens Stoltenberg has travelled to Antarctica because of this occasion and has spent his time skiing around the pole and talking to people working on site.

He also unveiled an ice sculpture of Amundsen. "This is one of the biggest achivements of mankind," Stoltenberg stated.

The plan is to welcome an expedition led by Vegard Ulvang, a six time Olympic medalist for cross country skiing which travelled the same route as Amundsen. The group has had a rough time and it is unclear if they will reach the south pole today.

Amundsen famously beat Robert Scott to the pole by a few weeks, and the celebrations at Antarctica will continue until January, the date Scott reached the pole.

With amundsen were Helmer Hanssen, Sverre Hassel, Olav Bjaaland og Oscar Wisting. They reached Antarctica in January, the same time as Scott. But their expedition was thought to be better organized, and they used dogsleds whilst Scott used horses.

Click here to read about Amundsens trip.

Source: Reuters

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