Arkhangelsk on a map

The University of the Arctic has opened a research center in Russian city Arkhangelsk.

The Northern Arctic Federal University (NArFU) is seen as a critical step in creating a collective capacity for UArctic members to coordinate northern research, says UArctic president Lars Kullerud.

The office will strengthen both the University and Russia. Kullerud notes that many UArctic members in the North are perceived as smaller actors, and risk being marginalized by larger institutions from outside the region when it comes to high level research projects.

The new office will help to promote the collective capacity of these members and strengthen the role of northern institutions in Arctic research.

The Research Office will be officially opened during the Arctic Forum in Arkhangelsk organized by the Russian Geographical Society The Research Office will first host a small seminar the previous day with UArctic and key external partners to discuss
potential opportunities.


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