In the past months some important partners have joined the Arctic Portal, establishing their web presence through the Portal. These include the European Commission through the PAGE21 project, the Biodiversity in Arctic Waters website Vistey, new websites for both CAFF and PAME, workgroups of the Arctic Council, the Arctic Yearbook and the European Arctic Information Center Preparatory Action.

Many other projects and groups are in the process of creating a presence on the portal including IPY projects, as well as the Teachers within IPY, and last but not least the Northern Forum.

In the process of enabling partners to utilize fully the opportunities of the Portal staff from ICR in Norway, Yukon First Nations in Canada, IASC Secretariat in Sweden and APECS office in Norway have been to Akureyri for training and sharing of knowledge.

This has proved highly valuable for better co-operation and has in both cases helped speed up the setup face and helped the Partner increase the value of their website. Similar training sessions have taken place with the co-ordinators of APECS at their meeting in Stockholm and by using virtual tools.

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