SPIEF 21 - St. Petersburg International Economic Forum

The 25th edition of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum will be held on 15–18 June 2022.

Egypt will attend the Forum as a guest country in 2022.

In 2021, SPIEF became the world's first and largest face-to-face business event after the interruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic and was held using modern digital technologies. The Forum was attended by over 13,500 participants from 141 countries over four days, including representatives of more than 1,000 media organizations from 46 countries.

An infographic of key facts and figures, as well as analytical materials covering the outcomes of SPIEF 2021 have been published on the Roscongress Foundation Information and Analytical System.

For all the latest information on the event, please visit the official website of the Forum.

We are confident that the upcoming Forum will feature as a key event in the global 2022 business agenda.

Source: SPIEF

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