arice frostbyte videos

An entire year trapped in the Arctic ice, The largest Central Arctic expedition ever.

In September 2019 the German research icebreaker Polarstern will depart from Tromsø, Norway and, once it has reached its destination, will spend the next year drifting through the Arctic Ocean, trapped in the ice.

A total of 600 people from 17 countries, who will be supplied by other icebreakers and aircraft, will participate in the expedition - and several times that number of researchers will subsequently use the data gathered to take climate and ecosystem research to the next level. The mission will be spearheaded by the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI).

The APECS FrostByte videos of MOSAiC School participants are now available on the ARICE webpage ( Find out more about who the participants are and watch their FrostBytes about their research projects on

ARICE contributes to the MOSAiC Expedition by funding the research project DEARice and by supporting the MOSAiC School.

Source: ARICE.EU

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