Presentation of the EDU-ARCTIC project results 23-24 May 2019

To deal with the complex impact of climate change in the Far North and elsewhere, we need increasing numbers of professionals to cope with this challenge efficient, experts with the necessary scientific and technical competence to strive for a responsible and sustainable development of these regions in the future.

The European EDU-ARCTIC project, which started in 2016, aims at engaging students aged 13-20 in STEM education by offering various educational resources related to Arctic research. Operated by a consortium of six partners from Poland, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Norway and France, EDU-ARCTIC has contributed significantly to the important goal of raising awareness about environmental issues among young students.

EDU-ARCTIC is organising its final conference and restitution event With the participation, notably of Mrs Ségolène Royal, French Ambassador of the Arctic and Antarctic Poles And Mr Harri Mäki-Reinikka, Finnish Ambassador for Northern Policies

At the scientific centre of the Polish Academy of Science in Paris 23 May 2019 at 9.30am

The project is establishing close ties between research and education such as:

  • Connecting schools with scientists working at Arctic stations and research institutions across Europe
  • The creation of a web portal and online encyclopaedia in 16 European languages,
  • Online webinars by polar scientists
  • The creation of an environmental monitoring system in the spirit of citizen science,
  • Teacher trainings
  • The Organisation of an Arctic competition offering winners the experience of an expedition to one of the associated Arctic stations and regions, etc.

EDU-ARCTIC is a project financed by the European Union’s H2020 programme.

The conference programme is available > here <

The Press is welcome to participate in the two conference days.

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