seal of approval

These webinars are intended for those within the DSA and WDS communities who currently—or who in the future will—perform application reviews.

In the webinars, draft guidelines will be presented for reviewing the applications of organizations wishing to be certified under the Core Trustworthy Data Repositories requirements. Participants will be invited to comment upon these guidelines during the webinars, giving them an opportunity to help shape and refine interpretation of the requirements.


Past DSA and WDS reviewers gained considerable experience from assessing the applications of peers. However, with the newly developed Core Trustworthy Data Repositories certification now operational, it was felt by the WDS–DSA Standards and Certification Board that there is a strong need for both the training and guiding of reviewers. This is something that was missing previously, but with reviewers being selected in tandem from both the DSA and WDS communities to assess each application, it is more crucial than ever. Through a Collaboration Project with the European plug-in of the Research Data Alliance, Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS) is setting up a system of reviewer guidelines, of which a first draft will be presented and discussed in the initial webinar. The outcomes this webinar will then be incorporated into a revised draft of the guidance for discussion in the second one.


The webinars will be presented by Heiko Tjalsma of DANS, and each will consist of a 45-minute presentation followed by a 45-minute question-and-answer session.

Experience/knowledge required

Some knowledge of the Core Trustworthy Data Repositories requirements is recommended, but not essential.

Target audience

Past, present, and potentially new DSA and WDS reviewers. The webinar could also be of interest to organizations that will undergo periodic review of their certification in the near future.

Dates of the first webinar*

Dates of the second webinar

Register to join/Enquiries

To participate in one/both of the webinars, please register your details in the following Google Form: (Deadline: 21 June 2017)

For any queries, please send an email to .

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