Nicola Sturgeon at the Arctic Circle

At the Arctic Circle Assembly in Reykjavik, the First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has reaffirmed Scotland’s commitment to global leadership with £1 million to support developing countries tackle the challenge of climate change.

The Scottish Government funding will help developing countries better measure climate change and track its impacts, improving global assessment of progress following the Paris Agreement.

The move was announced by the First Minister at the Arctic Circle Assembly in Reykjavik, a gathering of around 2,000 delegates from 50 countries with an interest in the development of the Arctic and its consequences for the future of the planet.

“Scotland may not geographically be part of the Arctic Circle, but like every delegate here today we are committed to acting on climate change and limiting global temperature increases to below 1.5 degrees", said Ms Sturgeon

“We know the most damaging effects of climate change are in developing nations and fall disproportionately on the very young, the very old and the very poor"

“That’s why Scotland was the first national government in the world to establish a Climate Justice Fund, which now supports 11 projects in some of the world’s poorest communities in four sub-Saharan African countries"

“Following the Paris Agreement on climate change, countries can’t just stand back and wait - we all have to deliver. The funding I am announcing today will help developing countries better measure and track climate change, leading to a greater global understanding of how effective we are in limiting its effects"

“This is also a clear signal that we’ll do everything we can to remain an open, outward looking country that works to strengthen our partnerships around the world”

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