The first EU-PolarNet newsletter, with up to date news on European polar research, science policy, stakeholder interaction, upcoming events, funding opportunities, has just been released in November 2015.
From now on the EU-PolarNet will be issuing an edition quarterly to inform about news from the consortium and affiliated projects, to reflect on developments in European polar research and to give a glimpse on conferences and events coming up in near future.
EU-PolarNet is the world’s largest consortium of expertise and infrastructure for polar research. The Horizon 2020 funded Coordination and Support Action brings together 22 of Europe's internationally-respected multi-disciplinary research institutions from 17 countries. Their goal is to develop and deliver a strategic framework and mechanisms to prioritise science, optimise the use of polar infrastructure, and to broker new relationships with international partners. One of the main focuses therefore lies in establishing an on-going dialogue with policymakers, business and industry leaders, local communities, as well as scientists from various disciplines. In doing so EU-PolarNet aims at co-designing an integrated European polar research programme with these stakeholders, which is directly relevant and beneficial to European society and its economy. The resulting legacy of the consortium will be sustained by the European Polar Board after the project’s end in the year 2020.
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