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The audit investigation that caused the resignation of the first female Greenlandic Prime Minister, Aleqa Hammond (Siumut party), was eventually published by the Inatsisartut (Parliament of Greenland) audit committee on December, 30th  2014. In addition to Mrs. Hammond, the audit investigation has shown that other 6 members of the Greenlandic Parliament (Ane Hansen, Anthon Frederiksen, Mimi Karlsen, Ove Karl Berthelsen and Steen Lynge) have misused public funds for private expenses during their offices, from 2009 to 2014 (read the report here).

The audit was actually ready in November 2014. Notwithstanding the pressure to publish the document before new elections were held, due to a legal impasse (only the Inatsisartut can publish the audit), the document was stored in a security box until a new government would have been formed.

Once the new parliament has been formed, the document was opened by the Parliamentarian Audit Committee on December 17th 2014, and the government was given time until the 6th of January to comment it (before publishing it) . However, a letter sent by the newly appointed Prime Minister, Kim Kielsen explained that "the Government will only be able to submit its comments to the Audit Committee on the report by Friday, January 16", but the Parliamentarian Audit Committee was encouraged to publish the long-awaited report  before receiving the comments. Therefore, the report was published on December, 30th 2014

At today's date, while awaiting for Inatsisartut's comments, almost all the parliamentarians have paid back their debts with the public Treasure.  Only the former chairman of the Greenland Government and member of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Kuupik Kleist is currently refusing to pay it back. Accordingly with the report, Mr. Kleist, after repaying an amount of about 25,000 DKr on September 30 2014,  still own the Tresure 20,200 DKR improperly spent to pay the travels of his family.

Read more: (in Greenlandic and Danish)

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