The Co-Chairs Report of the Arctic Biodiversity Congress which has been hold in Trondheim from 2-4 December has been published.
The report, written by Risa Smith, CAFF (Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna) Chair, Tom Barry, CAFF Secretariat and Finn Katerâs, Norwegian Environment Agency, summarizes key messages of the congress, actions to take and provides advice to CAFF such as sustaining the Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program over long-term and advancing the Arctic Biodiversity Data Service and the suggestion of CAFF having a role as an Arctic policy maker in the future.
The congress had brought together 450 representatives from academia, governments, industry, civil society and indigenous peoples and was focused on three main themes: Arctic Change, resilience and adaptation, mainstreaming biodiversity and linking Arctic ecosystems to society, and understanding cumulative effects and managing impacts.
The Co-Chairs Report can be found on the congress website or can be downloaded from the Arctic Portal Library.