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The conference Sámi Customary Rights in Modern Landscapes – Indigenous People and Nature Conservation will be held in Luleå, Sweden, 28-29 August 2013, with an optional excursion and workshop in Jokkmokk on the 30th of August.

The conference aims to explore how culturally defined values, ideologies and policies have formed, and continue to form, the basis of Indigenous rights and management models of nature conservation areas in Sápmi.

Comparisons with, or cases of, the situations of other Indigenous Peoples are welcome. The conference seeks to bring together different disciplines such as history, political science, law, cultural geography, sociology and anthropology.The purpose is to combine different scientific disciplines such a history, political sciences and law. Some specific issues include:

  • How the cultural imagination of nature and landscape among different Indigenous groups has influenced the establishment of nature conservation areas and the design of governance models for natural resources.
  • How the contemporary governance of protected areas has been influenced by the principles of equality and positive discrimination, affecting the possibilities to establish adaptive co-management arrangements of specific areas.
  • How the legal situation of the Sámi and other Indigenous Peoples has been recognized, especially concerning longstanding customary territorial rights.

For more information see the conference website.


Sámi Customary Rights in Modern Landscape

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