River in the arctic

The initiative to clean Russian part of the Arctic, organized by the Northern (Arctic) Federal University, continues this month.

On June 18th five students from student squad "Gandvik" of the North-West Federal District left to the Hooker Island (Federal Reserve "Franz-Josef Land"). The second group of 20 students will go on the expedition in July 20. Their destination point is the island of Alexandra Land.

"We will fly by plane; this will save a lot of time. We will arrive at the place after a few hours, not days," – said a member of the construction team "Gandvik" Alexey Klimov. He is Deputy Director of the Integrated Safery Institute.

Preparatory works are carried out at the moment: checking necessary machinery, transport, other equipment. Each group of the student squad will carry out certain tasks. For example, the group on Hooker Island will reconstruct buildings.

Students from the second group will take part in cleaning territories of the island Alexandra land.

The island is littered with debris, such as barrels, parts and mechanisms of the abandoned equipment. The members of the expedition plan to make the island absolutely clean till September, it has to look as if it had been untouched by modern civilization. The work is simple: students will just collect debris and put it in special containers. The only difficulty lies in monotony of such work.

The return of both groups is scheduled for September 1. It is planned that the students will collect totally six tons of rubbish.

The initiative and support for students come from the Northern (Arctic) Federal University. The action is planned to be repeated next year.

To read more about the Northern (Arctic) Federal University, please click here.


Northern (Arctic) Federal University

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