Seal in the arctic

International Workers' Day (also known as May Day) is a celebration of the international labour movement. May the 1st is a national holiday in more than 80 countries and celebrated unofficially in many other countries.

All of the eight Arctic states celebrate the International Workers´Day. Icelandic Labour Day - Frídagur Verkalýðsins and Norwegian - Arbeidernes Dag - is a national holiday.

In Sweden, it has been very important part of the history since the 19th century. Today The May Day demonstrations are still an important part of Swedish politics for the social democrats, left-wing parties and unions who use May Day to discuss their politics.

In Finland, International Workers´ Day is celebrated as a feast of students, and spring.

In Russia, the 1st of May was celebrated secretly until the February Revolution that enabled the first legal celebration in 1917. Today May Day is officially called "The Day of Spring and Labor", and remains a major holiday in present-day Russia.

For Denmark United State and Canada the 1st of May has not become official yet. In 2012 tens of thousands marched together in a number of cities in the United States and Canada, to commemorate May Day.

The Arctic Portal wishes all its readers Happy International Workers´ Day!

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