International Technology Office Announces New Associate Director

The WDS-ITO is excited to welcome its new director, Reyna Jenkyns. Reyna is transitioning to the ITO from her position as Data Stewardship Manager for Ocean Networks Canada (ONC), and will be working in both roles until September 2023 when she will move completely into her new ITO director role.

Reyna has served ONC in its Digital Infrastructure department since 2009. As ONC Data Stewardship Manager, she leads the Data Stewardship & Operations Support team which provides metadata and data management, geospatial services, and expedition support. She received her Bachelor of Mathematics in the Applied Mathematics Co-operative Program from the University of Waterloo, and her Master of Science in Ocean Physics from the University of Victoria. Her prior work experience spans companies specializing in oceanographic monitoring systems, aerospace, and information technology.

Reyna will be jumping into preparations for International Data Week as well as project planning for the next stages of the ITO. She can be reached at

Read more about Reyna and the beginnings of this new chapter for the WDS on the WDS-IPO press release.

WDS Repository Sustainability Summit 2023 - Last chance to register for next week's exciting event!

This is your last chance to register for the WDS Repository Sustainability Summit on 20-21 July in Knoxville, TN, USA. There is no fee to attend the summit. Continental breakfast and lunches will be provided to attendees on Thursday and Friday. Attendees are responsible for their travel, lodging, and remaining meal costs.

Registration is open to all. Please email with any questions you may have.

Learn more about the summit agenda, speaker, and register today at

See Visit Knoxville for a comprehensive guide to help you plan your trip.

We look forward to seeing you in person!

WDS Member Directory Now Available - View the PDF directory of WDS members by membership category

The World Data System (WDS) is a global network of data repositories, data services, and data analysis platforms that work together to ensure the quality, accessibility, and preservation of scientific data. As part of our efforts to enhance the visibility and discoverability of our members, we are pleased to announce the release of a downloadable WDS Member Directory.

The WDS Member Directory lists all of the current WDS members (as of 29 June, 2023), organized by membership category: Regular Members, Network Members, Partner Members, and Associate Members. For each member, the document includes a link to the organization’s website.

Visit our membership page for an overview of the WDS membership criteria and benefits, as well as the application process and review procedure.

The WDS Member Directory document is an interim solution while we are developing a more robust and interactive interface for our member directory, linking to our Community of Excellence CRM system. The Community of Excellence allows users to search, filter, and browse the WDS members by various criteria, such as discipline, region, data type, service type, etc. Until lined to the WDS website, WDS members are welcome to view the Community of Excellence CRM system and update their profiles to aid in findability for other WDS members.

Call for Nominations: Dryad Board of Directors - Nominate by 23 July to help shape the future of research data

Dryad, an international research data publishing platform and community, invites inviting nominations for new Directors to start three-year terms in October 2023. As a community-governed nonprofit, Dryad seeks engaged and knowledgeable board members to help realize their mission and to serve as effective advocates for open science.

Dryad is looking for individuals who are passionate about research data management and can bring unique perspectives to the table. This year, they're particularly keen to recruit individuals who:

  • Represent academic and research institutions or academic societies and are working at the forefront of research data management.
  • Possess skills in business development or marketing.
  • Identify as an underrepresented group in the global research community, in association with any visible or invisible characteristic.
  • Are based outside the UK and Europe.

Please consider nominating yourself or encouraging someone else to step forward by 23 July, 2023. You can read more about the opportunity and submit your nomination.

If you have any questions, please reach out to .

Call for Participation: nestor Survey on Digital Preservation Networks - Contribute to the visibility and transparency of digital preservation communities around the world by 18 July 2023

The German Network of Expertise in Digital Preservation, nestor, is conducting a survey on digital preservation networks to increase visibility and transparency of digital preservation communities around the world.

The survey, open until 18 July, 2023, is designed to gather data that will allow insight into the wide community landscape from geographical as well as digital preservation viewpoints. The results of the survey will be published anonymously in Open Access (excluding personal information such as the name and e-mail). Information regarding data privacy protection is included in the survey.

If you are part of a digital preservation community or network, please complete one questionnaire per community/network. Please communicate this in your network and ensure that this single questionnaire is the “official” version of your community.

The results of the last nestor Community Survey in 2019 - 2020 are published in Open Access, as well as the emerged community profiles which provide an unprecedented global overview of networks in the field of long-term archiving - regardless of their size and area of focus.

You can participate in the survey here.

U.S. Department of Energy Releases Plan to Increase Access to Federally Funded Research - DOE Public Access Plan supports the August 2022 White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) memo

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has released a plan to ensure that the Department’s federally funded research is more open and accessible to the public, researchers, and journalists. The plan builds on a 2014 plan that has provided public access to nearly 200,000 articles and manuscripts from DOE funding. With 17 National Laboratories and scores of programs that fund university and private research, DOE directly supports thousands of research papers per year. When this plan goes into effect, those findings will be available immediately at no cost.

DOE’s public access plan supports the August 2022 White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) memo that called for federal agencies to “make publications and their supporting data resulting from federally funded research publicly accessible without an embargo on their free and public release.” The new plan describes the steps DOE will take to enable equitable access to the unclassified and unrestricted results of its multi-billion dollar annual investments in climate, energy, environment, and basic science research.

International Data Week 2023 Registration is Now Open - Registration includes SciDataCon and the RDA 21st Plenary

Registration is now open for International Data Week 2023, a global event that brings together the WDS Members' Forum, SciDataCon, and RDA's 21st Plenary! This hybrid event will occur in Salzburg, Austria from 23-26 October, 2023 at the Salzburg Congress. On-site and online participation is possible.

Early bird registration is now open through 15 September and we encourage you to register here.

IDW 2023 will combine SciDataCon 2023, the scientific conference addressing the frontiers of data in research, organized by CODATA and WDS, with the RDA 21st Plenary Meeting, the biannual meeting of this international member organization working to develop and support global infrastructure facilitating data sharing and reuse.

The WDS Members' Forum will take place leading up to IDW 2023 on Sunday, 22 October both online and in person in Salzburg. The WDS Members' Forum is an opportunity for the WDS community to report on their specific developments, activities, and progress, as well as to discuss the strategic and organizational objectives of the WDS. Registration for the WDS Members' Forum will open in the coming months, with the program and venue to be published on the WDS website. You can view our previous Members' Forum from International Data Week 2022 here.

SciDataCon, organized by both WDS and CODATA, is the premier conference on scientific data and an integral part of International Data Week. See our most recent informational webinar recording here, where WDS' Meredith Goins and CODATA's Simon Hodson provided details regarding the event. More details can be found at

The Research Data Alliance 21st Plenary (RDA P21) The Research Data Alliance (RDA) has released the preliminary program for its 21st Plenary (RDA P21) that will take place during the International Data Week 2023 (IDW 2023) from 23 to 26 October 2023, in Salzburg, Austria. The event will be hybrid, with both in-person and online sessions. The program does not include the details of the breakout sessions yet, as they are still in peer review. The program may change and will be finalized by 28 July 2023.

All of International Data Week 2023 will be hybrid for inclusivity, but we strongly encourage your physical attendance for networking and engagement. The sessions will be recorded and accessible to the registered participants for six weeks, and then to the public.

Follow us on social media for updates and announcements.


  • July 01– September 15, 2023 - Early Bird registration for in person tickets
  • July 01 – October 20, 2023 - Online tickets available
  • September 16 – October 20, 2023 - Full fee registration for in person tickets
  • October 20, 2023 - Registration closes at noon (CET), on-site ticket sales available at full fee
  • October 22 – 27, 2023 - On-site registration at full fee

*Student and Low & Lower middle-income discounts are available. Please contact with questions.

We look forward to seeing you!

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