When: 11:00AM-12:00PM MST

Where: Online Event

The Russian North and the maritime Arctic are critically important to the future of the Russian state.  This vast, cold region should be viewed from three key perspectives: national security, environmental change, and economic development. Russia's long, open border to the Arctic Ocean is a strategic vulnerability as well as a coastline that provides essential maritime access to a remote but developing region (and access to one largest storehouses of global natural resources).  Great environmental change and extraordinary industrial development are happening in this region creating a suite of complex impacts and contradictions.  This talk will highlight the complexities and uncertainties of the Russian maritime Arctic.


iPhone one-tap US: +16465588656,,5409618610# 

US: 1-646-558-8656 
Meeting ID: 5409618610
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/MNl8z

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