When: Monday; Nov. 22, 2021; 10:00am – 11:00am ET

The COP26 conference in Glasgow in November presented a last chance for bold, new commitments in the fight against climate change and to prevent temperatures from rising above 2 degrees Celsius. Germany pledged to curb methane emissions, and end foreign fossil fuel funding, but did not immediately sign a declaration to accelerate the move to zero-emission cars.

While it is still uncertain how the negotiations for a new German government shake out, all eyes are on Europe’s largest economy to be a driving force for climate action. How does Germany view its own role as a climate leader? What do the new pledges and commitments of COP26 mean in practical terms?

On November 22 at 10AM ET/4PM CET, join us for a conversation with German climate experts after COP26 to take stock of the results, discuss implementation, and the road ahead for Germany as head of the G7 presidency.

Send a question to our panelists by email at , or tweet us @WilsonCenterGEP.

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