In July 2019, the 8th Biennial Symposium on the Impacts of an Ice-Diminishing Arctic on Naval and Maritime Operations—abbreviated to Ice- Diminishing Arctic or “IDA"—was held in Washington, DC.* The two-day event included over 80 speakers and was attended by over 600 participants and Arctic experts.

Due to the global pandemic, the 9th Biennial Symposium to be held this year was postponed. Yet interest in the symposium remains high, and colleagues from around the world have asked for access to the presentations and to the keynote speeches of the 2019 event. Therefore, we are pleased to release the IDA Proceedings.

We trust you will find this publication of value and we hope soon to have news regarding the next symposium.

Details on the 8th Biennial Symposium on the Impacts of an Ice-Diminishing Arctic on Naval and Maritime Operations may be found on the Wilson Center website. The event was hosted by the United States Arctic Research Commission, the Wilson Center's Polar Institute, and the United States National Ice Center; with partners including the Arctic Domain Awareness Center, Center for the Study of Democracy at St. Mary’s College of Maryland, and The Patuxent Partnership; and additional sponsors: AKIMA, the Marine Mammal Commission, and the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center.

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