The UArctic member bulletin for the month of July 2021 has just been released and contains the following highlights.



Towards a sustainable Arctic 

Observer statement from the 12th Ministerial Meeting of the Arctic Council: Celebrating 20 years together.


Latest updates:


Thematic network news:


Study catalogue highlight

Winter School: Our Connection with a Fast-changing Arctic

The Arctic Centre - University of Groningen invites registration applications for their winter school. The upcoming winter school will have the theme of Our Connection with a Fast-changing Arctic, and will take place 24-29 January 2022 in Groningen, the Netherlands.


Student testimonial highlight

Marie Søndergaard, UArctic Secretariat Intern

Marie was an exchange student at UiT The Arctic University of Norway and an intern at the UArctic Secretariat
"The internship was a great experience, personally as well as educationally. It was also a challenge, resisting all the interesting courses, conferences and other exciting meetings that I constantly faced through my work. The internship provided a great deal of independence, as I worked with different tasks by myself, and I also got to work with what interests me."

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