The Canadian Studies Center is using this “virtual time” to build impact and community. In winter quarter viewers from around the world zoomed into Chief Tizya-Tramm’s discussion on the role of the Gwich’in people in international relations. Two courses – one in art and the other a Jackson School Task Force on pipelines – brought Indigenous artists and activists from Canada into UW classrooms. A dozen students from UW, the University of British Columbia and University of Victoria engaged in a virtual series of workshops on the Canada-U.S. relationship. UW’s Fulbright Canada Chair in Arctic Studies taught ARCTIC 401 from Brock University on the shores of Lake Ontario while a student from Tampere University in Finland zoomed into the course applying lessons in satellite imagery to the Boreal forest. And, over a dozen UW Arctic scholars provided new insights into the Arctic region to educators from 17 states and provinces. We hope you enjoy our stories below.


View the web version of the Canadian Studies Center Newsletter for April 2021

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