When: 15th - 16th of April 2021 09:00 AM to 11:00 AM

The Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg has the pleasure to invite you to a webinar on “Content Marketing”, designed for profiles looking to level up their content marketing knowledge, regardless of the industry or company size.

Content Marketing is a strategic initiative used by many companies, who dedicate resources to the creation and sharing of valuable content designed to attract, retain and delight their target audience. Once we gain their trust and build a relationship, it is much easier for our followers to become clients, and eventually ambassadors of our brand

During the Content Marketing Workshop, we will explore what Content Marketing is, share best practices, discover how to create attractive content for our target audience, explore how to craft optimized content for Search Engine Optimization, evaluate the most widely used formats and channels, what you need to boost a content pipeline, and how to measure results. Practical sessions are also included.

Duration: 4 hours spread over two mornings.

Mentor: Philippe Schifflers, Digital Marketing Consultant and Online Instructor.

Philippe has more than 10 years of experience in Digital Marketing, covering areas such as SEO, Content Marketing, Social Media, Inbound Marketing, Website Management, Lead Generation and Project Management.



  1. Introduction to Content Marketing
  2. Creation of blogs optimized for SEO
  3. Creation of Newsletters
  4. Creation of Landing Pages
  5. Content creation for Social Networks
  6. How to measure results
  7. Questions and answers session

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