Where: Online Event

When: Monday, 16 November 2020, 13:00 – 15:45 | Tuesday, 17 November 2020, 10:30 – 16:45


Please register here by 14 October (attendance is by invitation only). Please note that the number of spots in the working groups is limited, so we recommend to sign up as soon as possible.

This year’s Think2030 conference is organised as an idea lab and will take place online.


The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic has instigated massive societal and economic disruptions, pressing policymakers and experts to think broadly, act quickly and remain adaptive. Now, more than ever, there is a widespread need for rapid knowledge sharing and the development of effective policy responses in the new and changing context.


Day 1 (Monday, 16 Nov)

The first day will focus on ways of achieving the European Green Deal, as well as the related developments in EU policy and their potential contributions to address climate change, in the context of the acute crisis posed by the coronavirus pandemic.

13:00 – 14:00 Opening speeches
Welcoming words by Camilla Bausch (Ecologic Institute) and Céline Charveriat (IEEP)
Keynote speeches by Camilla Bausch, Klaus Töpfer (TMG) and Teresa Ribera (Spanish Ministry of Environment) (invited)

14:15 – 15:45 Opening panel – How can the European Green Deal contribute to solving the climate crisis? How is this impacted by the Corona crisis?
Panelists: Hans Bruynickx (European Environment Agency), Jennifer Morgan (Greenpeace International) (invited), Laurence Tubiana (European Climate Foundation) (invited), Teresa Ribera (invited) and Klaus Töpfer
Moderator: R. Andreas Kraemer (Ecologic Institute)

Day 2 (Tuesday, 17 Nov)

The second day will provide the much-needed space for a science-, policy- and action-oriented discussion of climate-related policy issues, bringing together leading experts from across Europe to exchange their ideas on what we can do now and in the coming years to secure our shared future.

10:30 – 12:00 Breakout groups 1 (choose one)

  • Climate change impacts, biodiversity and nature-based solutions
  • How digitalization can help or hamper in the climate crisis
  • A climate law for Europe
  • Trade policies: implications for climate and SDGs
  • Low-carbon circular consumption
  • EU environmental sovereignty and security under the Green Deal


13:00 – 14:30 Breakout groups 2 (choose one)

  • Targets and indicators for the European Green Deal
  • Green stimulus post COVID-19: re-building better
  • Low-carbon circular industry for Europe
  • The European “farm to fork” approach – how can it help in the climate crisis?
  • Low-Carbon Development in Polish cities and the European Green Deal: Social inclusion the low carbon transition
  • Circular economy in aid of global recovery: the role and potential of EU trade policy

15:15 – 16:45 Closing plenary – What can and will Germany contribute to solving the climate crisis and strengthening the European Green Deal?

Conference outcomes: Céline Charveriat (IEEP)
Panelists: Dirk Messner (German Federal Environment Agency), Luisa Neubauer (Fridays for Future), Hinrich Thölken (German Foreign Service) and a private sector representative
Moderator: Camilla Bausch

Further information on the conference is available on our Think2030 website.

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