Due to the COVID-19 situation, the earlier scheduled location and dates for the 2nd Meeting of the Assembly of UArctic have been changed. The event will now be held in Reykjavik, Iceland on May 15 and 16, 2021, in conjunction with the UArctic Congress.

Background on the change: The UArctic Congress 2020 was to be held this October in conjunction with the annual Arctic Circle Assembly in Reykjavik, Iceland, however due to COVID-19, both events were postponed to 2021. As a result, UArctic’s leadership, together with local hosts, agreed to reschedule the 2021 Assembly of UArctic meeting to Reykjavik for May in conjunction with the UArctic Congress 2021, and to move the dates for the Assembly of UArctic meeting in Portland, Maine USA to June 1-3, 2022.

In addition to approving the change of dates for Assembly meetings, the Board of UArctic also supported the proposal to amend the UArctic Constitution [Article 8: Association Assemblies] to allow meetings of the Assembly to be organized so that participants may attend via telephone, video, or other technical means. In order to ensure that participants can attend the next Assembly meeting virtually, a formal request for the preliminary check of this amendment to the Constitution is now in process.

We anticipate having registrations for the 2021 Assembly meeting and UArctic Congress opened early in the new year.

We look forward to having many members represented in our Assembly meeting and UArctic Congress in 2021!

With well wishes for continued good health!

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