Graduate School Scholarship, Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University
Assistant Professor Eric Oliver ( is looking to fill a graduate school position on "Historical variability and drivers of sea ice along coastal Labrador".
Looking for a MSc student to work under the supervision of Eric Oliver (Oceanography) as part of a project funded in partnership with the Nunatsiavut Government of northern Labrador, to start in September 2019. This project will examine the climatology, variability and drivers of sea ice along the Nunatsiavut coast. The project will start with an an analysis of historical Canadian Ice Service charts, which have been digitised for the 1971-present period. These charts map ice concentration and thickness, including areas open water also known as polynyas, rattles or ingigganik. The project will identify polynyas that are seasonally recurrent as well as those that are less regular, occurring some years but not others and examine their predictability and large-scale climate drivers. The student will be based in the Department of Oceanography at Dalhousie University, with regular workshop and planning trips to Nunatsiavut.
Prospective students should have a background in physics and/or mathematics.
If interested please send a CV and transcripts to