Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, the President of Iceland

Yesterday, 23rd of April 2013, Lögfræðingur, a peer-reviewed law journal of the University of Akureyri, published the interview with the President of Iceland – Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson.

Ólafur has been a vigorous advocate for peaceful and democratic evolution in the Arctic. He maintains that Iceland has a critical role within the cooperation of nations in the Arctic.

Ólafur emphasizes that the evolution of the Arctic must be fundamentally based on science.

Lögfræðingur met the President on 7 February 2013 at his residence Bessastaðir to discuss Arctic issues, Arctic development and the nature of the management and legal framework that is the key to cooperation between the Arctic countries.

Click here to download the article.


Lögfræðingur 2013

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