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The International Polar Foundation releases the Arctic Futures Symposium 2012 report. Proceedings are available for free download on the IPF Website.

The Symposium was held last October in Brussels and organized by the International Polar Foundation with sponsorship from Belgium's Federal Public Service for Foreign Affairs and many other sponsors.

Sponsors and co organizers were to include: Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, as well as the support of the EU Committee of the Regions, the European External Action Service, and the European Commission.

The highly successful symposium allowed Arctic stakeholders from diverse backgrounds (including EU and foreign policymakers, scientists, industry representatives, indigenous peoples and academics) to take part in lively discussions regarding current and future issues facing the Arctic.

The next Arctic Futures Symposium is scheduled to take place on the 16th and 17th of October 2013.

More information about the event are available on the IPF Website and under the e – mail:



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