The Church of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

St. Petersburg in Russia celebrates Arctic Days in December where the highlight is the conference "Electronic Memory of the Arctic – cultural communications of the circumpolar world".

The Conference has been organized by the joint effort of the National Library of Russia (NLR), Nonprofit partnership Center for the Preservation of Cultural and Historical Heritage "Electronic Memory of the Arctic" (NPP EMA), Center of International and Inter-regional Collaboration and is an important step towards creation of the "International Scientific Multifunctional Arctic Center in Salekhard."

December 12-15th are the Arctic Days, under support of the Arctic Council, RF Ministry of Foreign Affairs, RF Ministry of Culture and the Russian Geographical Society.

The major event is the First international scientific and practical conference "Electronic Memory of the Arctic" taking place now on the premises of the National Library of Russia.

The event is marked by the presence of the leading establishments of the world-wide Arctic community, including Arctic Council Secretariat, University of the Arctic (Norway-Russia), (Iceland), Arctic Centre (University of Lapland), The Academy of Finland, Foundation for Siberian Cultures, Scott Polar Research Institute (University of Cambridge), as well as of the representatives of the national libraries and archives of the Arctic Council countries, inter alia The National Library of Norway, The Sámi Archives (Norway), The Yukon Archives (Canada) and others.

The Russian scientific community is to be represented by more than 20 institutions, among which there are The Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences, The Russian State Historical Archives, The Institute of the Peoples of the North (Herzen University), MGU, StPGU and other large specialised organisations.

The Arctic days will see many interesting presentations and working sessions, click here to see the conference program.


Website of EMA

Conference program

Press release Electronic Memory of the Arctic

Press release Arctic Days

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