Advances in Polar Science

Advances in Polar Science (APS) will publish a special issue with the theme ‘Polar Climate Change: Driving Processes, Extreme Events, and Global Linkages’ as a lasting outcome of the workshop, held in October 2017 at Hohai University, Nanjing, China. This issue will be part of APS Volume 29 and will be issue number 3 of 2018 (Series no. 72) as general issue.

We have four Guest Editors for this issue, Zhaomin Wang (Hohai University, China), Kent Moore (University of Toronto, Canada), Annette Rinke (Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Germany) and John Turner (British Antarctic Survey, UK). Assistant Editors are Mr. Xiaoliang Ling and Dr. Jing Huang (full time staff of Editorial Office). English editing service will be provided free of charge if needed.

This is a thematic issue so we must insist on strict adherence to the following deadlines.

  • 30 April 2018 ― deadline for submitting a manuscript for this issue.
  • 31 July 2018 ― deadline for the submission of final accepted paper.
  • Accepted papers will be published online for open access as soon as authors have returned their proofs and all corrections have been made.
  • The hard copy is scheduled for publication in September 2018


The climates of the polar regions are important components of the global Earth system and have experienced dramatic changes in a warming world. The changes in the polar regions and their possible influences on and feedback with processes across the rest of the globe have raised great challenges for scientific research. In addition, the polar regions have been the least observed and understood regions. To improve our understanding and prediction of polar climate changes, and associated extreme events and global impacts, a number of international initiatives for polar climate research, such as Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP) and The Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC), have been recently planned and implemented.

The international workshop focused on the following themes, and brought together successfully nearly 100 polar scientists to present new research results, identify knowledge gaps and research priorities, and discuss future international collaborations. This special issue will solicit and publish the output of this workshop.

Topics of interest are:
  1. Polar climate change and its global linkages
  2. Polar climate, weather extremes and disastrous ice conditions
  3. Polar ocean circulation and ocean-ice-atmosphere interactions

Suggestions for other relevant topic are welcome. If you have such a suggestion, or if you have any questions about the suitability of your paper for this special issue, please contact the Lead Guest Editor Zhaomin Wang or the Editorial Office

As you know, an international Editorial Board with two Co-Editors-in-Chief (Dr. Huigen Yang and Prof. Ian Allison), and an expert team of 26 disciplinary Editors was established in 2015. For more information, please visit APS website

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