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It is now open the first Call-For-Abstracts for the session "Applications of Near Surface Geophysics in Periglacial Regions" at the AGU Fall Meeting 2015 in San Francisco (CA), which it will take place on December 14-18, 2015.

The AGU Fall Meeting brings together Earth and space sciences community for discussions of emerging trends and the latest research. For more information about the AGU Fall Meeting 2015, please visit the website, while here you can find the main information about the session "Applications of Near Surface Geophysics in Periglacial Regions":


Martin Biggs (USGS)
Seth Campbell (ERDC-RDE-CRREL-NH)
Reginald R. Muskett (GI-UAF)

Focus Group:

Near Surface Geophysics

Index Terms:

Periglacial processes
Remote Sensing

Session Abstract:

Throughout the world, permafrost, sea ice, and glaciers are changing, with significant impacts on the surrounding ecosystem, environment, and society. Surface and airborne geophysical methods increasingly are used to monitor these changes because of the strong contrasts in geophysical properties that exist between frozen and thawed ground, or between solid-ice features and liquid water. Geophysical methods also offer insight into groundwater flow and surface-water/groundwater exchange dynamics. This session is open to ground or airborne-platform geophysical studies, focused on scientific objectives such as the shrinking, retreat or breakup of glaciers; detection and delineation of ground ice or permafrost; and monitoring the thickness and extent of sea ice. The session will consider seismic, resistivity, ground-penetrating radar, gravity, magnetics, and other electromagnetic studies over a variety of spatial scales. We also encourage the submission of multidisciplinary projects that incorporate the impacts of frozen material change on cold-regions ecology and/or biochemistry.

Our session has Virtual Options this year!

What is Virtual Options?

From AGU FM15: "Won't be able to attend the 2015 Fall Meeting? Plan to participate virtually. Virtual Options provides access to content presented at the Fall Meeting, as well as the opportunity to interact with authors and network with peers."

Important Dates:

Wednesday, 5 August 2015, Abstract Submission Deadline (check AGU FM for time in your region)

Wednesday, 12 August 2015, Student Travel Grants Deadline

Sunday, 13 December 2015, Student and Early Career Conference

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