Engagement Across Multiple Disciplines

Online: June 27th 17:00-18:30 GMT

The IACN, along with ArcticNet and the Arctic Eider Society, bring you the first episode of the Circumpolar Collaboration Webinar Series, entitled Engagement Across Multiple Disciplines.

In the North, community engagement is essential and invaluable to conducting impactful research. Yet, the way we go about engaging with communities can differ depending on the community itself, project goals and across research disciplines. In this webinar, various speakers will share their practices of effective community engagement across the fields of: environmental science, natural science, anthropology, and tourism.


Navigating the Renewable Energy Transition: Tempering Progress with Responsibility

Online: November 6th 17:00-18:00 GMT

The IACN and Women in Renewable Energy Canada (WiRE) return to continue their collaboration on a webinar series on renewable energy generation in the Arctic with this new instalment on social responsibility within the Green Transition.

As the world grows ever more conscious of its relationship with nature and continues to transition towards cleaner energy sources, so too does our need to be aware of the complexities surrounding their implementation. Through expert insight and real-world examples, this webinar seeks to navigate the challenges and opportunities inherent in renewable energy development.

Exploring the socio-economic impacts that renewable energy infrastructure production may pose, as well as best practices in fostering meaningful engagement with affected communities – ensuring informed consent, sharing of responsibilities, and value generation to the greatest extent possible. Join us in this dialogue as we seek to strike a balance between progress and responsibility in our strive towards a sustainable future.


The IACN Newsletter for June 2024 is available in full for online reading

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